It's been a while. 3 months actually. I have no excuse for how neglectful that I have been. Maybe I can say that I was busy, or maybe I can say that I had writers block, or maybe I can just say, I forgot I had a blog. Yep, I came out and said it, I forgot about this little gem of mine. But I think I can use the excuse that I have been busy and maybe have had a slight case of writers block. But, I'M BACK! And it feels so good! I'm ready to make a commitment to this blog, once a week. I am going to ATTEMPT to post on this little bad boy once a week. I'm not even sure who reads this anymore, I've been so neglectful anyone who did read this probably thinks that I am rude. But I am not, I promise, just forgetful.
So, let's get started. Shall we?
Within this busy semester, I've learned a lot. A lot about this world, a lot about myself, a lot about love and a lot about God. I feel like all my posts before were all about those topics, but I feel like that is my life and that is what you get to read for-ev-er (Sandlot... anybody?). Or until I forget about this blog again. Which I will not let happen.
So, let me fill you in.
This semester has been full of class (Well duhhhhh). A lot of class. I've been trying to apply myself to all of my lower GE classes, but they're just so boring. SO BORING. But, I payed to go here, so I gotta succeed, or else.
Things that I am learning about this world:
It's big and it's beautiful. I drove through California on my way home for thanksgiving and I thought that was big, but that is just a small percentage of this country, which is a small percentage of this world. Needless to say, I am kinda baffled.
Thing's I am learning about myself:
I am a control freak. I love to sleep. I kind of think too much about other peoples opinions. (Even though I say I don't). I get stressed out, and I get migraines. Those hurt.
Thing's I am learning about love:
Love is this complicatedly simple and beautiful four letter world that people seem to always be seeking. One thing that I have learned about love is that it is simple. It is not something that is give or take, or tit for tat (in my dad's words) but it is something that is simple. It takes work, and it takes courage, but love is totally worth it. Love is honestly the best feeling in the world, and being in love, well that trumps all. I am learning that from two people. Jesus Christ and Ben Thompson. Two people that I love more than anything. Jesus gave everything He had, when He did not need to. Jesus gave love for this hurting world, and was always, and is always giving. Give should really be a synonym for love. Give. Seriously. If you're not giving, it's not love. Love is not meant to be self contained. If it is, then it is not love. Simple as that. How do you show someone love if you keep it wrapped up inside? You don't. That is what Jesus has taught me, but Ben, he is teaching me that too. He is teaching me to be selfless. He may not know it, but he is. I am an only child, and don't really like to share. But with Ben, I would share anything. Even my last piece of chocolate during that time of the month. Yep, I went there. But really. Ben is teaching me to be myself. He's wonderfully critical and completely honest with me 100% of the time which is very helpful. He speaks his mind, good or bad. But mainly good of course...
Things I am learning about God:
God is great. He is sovereign and He is my majesty. Apart from those things, I've also learned that God likes to challenge you. I started this semester on a high. I had an awesome summer, I got to be with my boyfriend after 3 months, I was/ still am involved in an awesome ministry. God, He was everywhere, but through blessings, not struggles. He still is everywhere, (DUH), but now not just through blessings but through struggles too. All types of struggles that are an uphill battle, daily. I know I say all types, but I kinda mean just a few. I'm not trying to make my life sound horrible, just hectic and stressful, like it is. Oh, something else that I have noticed, is that it's a lot easier to cling to God and seek God when times are tough. But, it's a lot easier to praise God when life is good. CATCH 22? I think so. (What is a catch 22? I don't even know and I am using it in my blog... cool) Anyways, I think that is God's little way of saying, "I'm always here, no matter what." Which is kind of really awesome to dwell on, and very reassuring. Oh and one more thing that I've really learned this semester: nothing is impossible with God. This is such a simple promise, but such an amazing one! God, the ruler of the universe, He is always with me, and you, and makes everything possible. Everything.
So basically, that is my life. Summed up in one simple, little blog post. But like I said, I'm going to try to be better about this posting thing. I say once a week, but who knows maybe you'll get 3 one week, and none the next, then one then 8 the next. You never know with me, I'm kind of forgetful like that. But ya that's my story. My hectically beautiful wonderful story.
Until next time,
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