A very long while. I'm so sorry I'm such a failure. This summer has been crazy busy and I am finally in my last week of summer school. It only seems right that I post on my blog instead of write my final discussion board, take my finals or finish (actually start first) my essay. Oh well it will all get done. Besides the more pressure I have to finish the better it will get done because I will have no other option but to finish it. For some reason I am completely unmotivated right now. I even had a second cup of coffee to get my creative juices flowing and so far I've only written the first sentence. Maybe I'll call it a day.
Well lets take a look at my summer.
I have completed (almost) 8 weeks of 3 classes.
I have picked up a softball again after a year off. That has been interesting.
I am baking, but honestly since my last baking post I haven't picked up my mixer :(
I spent a week as a leader for preschoolers at VBS Pandamania. Talk about mania, think 15 preschoolers in one room. Oh ya.
I spent an AMAZING weekend with Ben in southern California. We went to the beach and bagel shack and an angels game/ Dierks Bentley concert and the beach again with his awesome family.
I've been to some car shows. Y,es I am a girl and yes, I go to car shows.
I have created the ultimate summer play list.
I am going to Maui in less than two weeks. Thats cool.
Ya that's just some of my summer. Its been real. Real busy. And real blessed.
I move back to school in exactly 30 days. So here's to my final month in southern California. Well 10 days will take place in Maui, so I guess I have 20 days left at home. Hmm that's kind of intimidating. Lots to do, lots to take in, and not a lot of time. I am thankful for all this time I have had at home though, and I can't wait to get back to school to begin this semester. I know big things will happen because it will happen with God in control. I've learned I need to let go and let God. And this semester that's precisely what I will do. He's in control, He's got the reigns. I can't wait to see where He will lead.